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Monday 14 May 2012

How did you use media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?

What have you learned from your audience feedback?

In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?


I have created an evaluation of my work to explain why I have created this work and why it looks the way it does. I have answered 4 questions in my evaluation and used 'Prezi' to make slide shows of the questions.

Audience feedback

I asked a few people to look at my newspaper and website to see what they though of it.
Here's some of the feedback they gave me:

Martin Baxendale, aged 58 - I think this new newspaper is good because it is a lot like real newspapers. I think the fact that it is a Northampton newspaper is also good because I am a resident of Northampton and I like to know what is going on in my county. 

Louise Shaw, aged 35 - I read this new newspaper and I believe it is very much like a real newspaper. The layout and format of it is just like a real newspaper and I believe the stories in it sound very realistic and are very interesting! If this was a real newspaper, I would definitely buy it myself and take the time to read it every week.

Susan Dale, aged 55 - This newspaper is very good in the sense that it seems like a read newspaper. However I like to read national newspapers so I would be unlikely to buy this newspaper as it is based around Northampton. 

Robert Martin, aged 41 - I enjoy sitting down at the end of a long day at work to read a newspaper and the good stories in them. I would be very likely to buy this newspaper as I like to know what is going on in Northampton and surrounding areas. I would most definitely like to use the coupon from it too!

Details on my billboard

I made sure I added the day on the billboard to show which day the story was published into the newspaper and sold. I also added the website for the newspaper at the bottom of the billboard so that customers know where to go if they want to find out what else is in the newspaper and what else is going on around Northamptonshire. I made the name of the story big and bold so that it is clear to customers from a distance.

Title for the billboard

I made sure I used the title of my newspaper at the top of the billboard so that customers would know which newspaper it is from.