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Monday 14 May 2012

Audience feedback

I asked a few people to look at my newspaper and website to see what they though of it.
Here's some of the feedback they gave me:

Martin Baxendale, aged 58 - I think this new newspaper is good because it is a lot like real newspapers. I think the fact that it is a Northampton newspaper is also good because I am a resident of Northampton and I like to know what is going on in my county. 

Louise Shaw, aged 35 - I read this new newspaper and I believe it is very much like a real newspaper. The layout and format of it is just like a real newspaper and I believe the stories in it sound very realistic and are very interesting! If this was a real newspaper, I would definitely buy it myself and take the time to read it every week.

Susan Dale, aged 55 - This newspaper is very good in the sense that it seems like a read newspaper. However I like to read national newspapers so I would be unlikely to buy this newspaper as it is based around Northampton. 

Robert Martin, aged 41 - I enjoy sitting down at the end of a long day at work to read a newspaper and the good stories in them. I would be very likely to buy this newspaper as I like to know what is going on in Northampton and surrounding areas. I would most definitely like to use the coupon from it too!

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