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Monday 14 May 2012

How did you use media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?

What have you learned from your audience feedback?

In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?


I have created an evaluation of my work to explain why I have created this work and why it looks the way it does. I have answered 4 questions in my evaluation and used 'Prezi' to make slide shows of the questions.

Audience feedback

I asked a few people to look at my newspaper and website to see what they though of it.
Here's some of the feedback they gave me:

Martin Baxendale, aged 58 - I think this new newspaper is good because it is a lot like real newspapers. I think the fact that it is a Northampton newspaper is also good because I am a resident of Northampton and I like to know what is going on in my county. 

Louise Shaw, aged 35 - I read this new newspaper and I believe it is very much like a real newspaper. The layout and format of it is just like a real newspaper and I believe the stories in it sound very realistic and are very interesting! If this was a real newspaper, I would definitely buy it myself and take the time to read it every week.

Susan Dale, aged 55 - This newspaper is very good in the sense that it seems like a read newspaper. However I like to read national newspapers so I would be unlikely to buy this newspaper as it is based around Northampton. 

Robert Martin, aged 41 - I enjoy sitting down at the end of a long day at work to read a newspaper and the good stories in them. I would be very likely to buy this newspaper as I like to know what is going on in Northampton and surrounding areas. I would most definitely like to use the coupon from it too!

Details on my billboard

I made sure I added the day on the billboard to show which day the story was published into the newspaper and sold. I also added the website for the newspaper at the bottom of the billboard so that customers know where to go if they want to find out what else is in the newspaper and what else is going on around Northamptonshire. I made the name of the story big and bold so that it is clear to customers from a distance.

Title for the billboard

I made sure I used the title of my newspaper at the top of the billboard so that customers would know which newspaper it is from. 

The billboard for my newspaper

I made a billboard for my newspaper which will be outside of shops that sell my newspaper. I used the main story in my newspaper as the story on the billboard so that customers know it is important and is a main story.

Sunday 13 May 2012

Font for my website

I made sure the fonts for my website were similar to the ones on the actual newspaper so that customers know they're the same. I also made sure the fonts looked professional and formal so that they're easier to read. All of the fonts for the stories and headings on my website are the same so that it looks basic and neat to read.

Colour scheme for website

I made sure the colour scheme for my website was the same as it was for the actual newspaper. This is so customers will be able to tell which newspaper the website is about and also to make it look more professional. I used black writing for all of the stories and made it look neat, tidy and spaced out to make it easier to view and read.

Photos for my story

I made sure I added photos to my story so that customers have an idea of what they're reading and who they're reading about. I also added small captions under the photos so that people know what the photos are.

Layout of story

I made the layout of my story on my website look like a real story by spacing the paragraphs out and making sure the paragraphs are short and easy to read rather than being in a block so customers are less likely to read it.

Heading and date

I made sure I added a heading on the page with my main story on it so customers can immediately tell what the story is about. I also added the date and time the story was published to make it look more like a real website page.

National news

I added a part on the website home page where customers can also view what is happening in the rest of the world so they can keep up to date with important news around Northampton and also National.


I added a couple of polls to my website for people to fill in if they want to. This lets customers express their opinions on some of the stories on the newspapers website.


As in all real newspapers, there is some sort of offer on for customers to use in shops, online, etc. I chose to use a petrol coupon because of the petrol prices being very high at the moment. This would entice customers to want to buy the newspaper because there is a lot of money off of their petrol and they only have to pay 50p for the newspaper to get the coupon. 

Stories on my website

I made sure that I added my stories on my website home page with a photo to represent the story and also a heading and short description before reading the main story. 

The date

I added the date to the top of my website so that customers know which newspaper they are reading and when it is from.

Website headings

I added headings to the top of my website on each page so that it is easy to access the other pages in the website. I made sure they are bold and hyper linked so that the other pages can be accessed through the links.

Website title

I included the title of my newspaper on every page of my website to show what the website is. I made sure I made the title big to make it clear what the website is.

Second hyper linked page

This is another of my hyper linked pages from my website. This is the sports page in which I added stories about sports clubs around the Northampton area. To get to this page, the sports link needs to be clicked on.

Website hyper linked page

This is one of my hyper linked pages. It's a story that I created which is the main story on the newspaper and also one of the main stories on the website home page. To go to this page, the story on the home page needs to be clicked on.

Website homepage

This is the homepage for my website which contains main stories, offers, polls and also national news.


The address for my website is

Tuesday 1 May 2012

Competition in my newspaper

I made a competition in my newspaper as real newspapers do and I chose to have a photography competition in the newspaper as it is interesting. I made sure it was brightly coloured and bold in the newspaper so customers can see it straight away when they open the page. I took a few artistic photos for the competition and used photos that I have taken in the past, as photography is a passion of mine. 

Photos for my story

I made sure the picture of the woman who was arrested looked like she has something to be ashamed of. I made sure the photo was plain and clear so that customers can see the woman clearly.

I took a close up photo of my cats treats to show that the story was about pets biscuits. I made them look discoloured so it was clear there was a problem with them.

I used a photo of a house involved in a crime scene to show the house in the story as the woman was arrested from her house.

Layout of my story

I wrote my main story in columns to make it clear to read like real newspapers do. I used three columns and made sure I made the story short so that it was easy to read. I also used small paragraphs to make the story clear to read and the font of the writing is bold and plain so it is easily readable.

Small details inside the newspaper

I made sure I added the page numbers to the pages so that customers would know what page they're on and what page they'd need to turn to if needed.

I added the name and email address of the person who wrote the story for the newspaper just like real newspapers. 

I added captions to the photos inside the newspaper so that people would know what the photos are of and why they are there.

Main story inside cover

I made sure the main story title on the inside pages of the newspaper was big and bold so customers would see it as soon as they open the page. I also added a short description underneath for people to read before they continue reading the story.

Newspaper offers

I added an offer on petrol on the front cover of the newspaper because petrol is very expenses at the moment so all customers would want to use it. I made sure it was bold and bright so customers could see it clearly.

Small title

I added this onto my newspaper front cover because I wanted to let customers know what else they could read in the newspaper. I used the word 'your' to make the customers feel as if the newspaper is theirs so they will want to read it. I made it bold and bright so customers could see it clearly and so it goes with the colour theme of the newspaper.

Other stories on my front cover

I chose to have the photography competition on the front cover because it is a competition that the newspaper holds every month so it is quite important. I used one of the artistic photos that I took to show it is a creative competition. I added the page number at the bottom so customers would know where to find out the information of the competition.

I chose to have a story about the recent flooding on my front cover because it is a big thing in the news at the moment and customers will want to know about it. I took a picture of the floods at Cosgrove Leisure park to show the flooding clearly. I also added the page number.

Main story on my front cover

I made sure the main story for my newspaper was the main thing that people would see on the front cover by making it bigger and bolder than anything else on the page. I added the title of the story in big, bold letters so customer could see it easily and also added a small description without going into detail so that customers could decide if they wanted to read the full story. I also added the page number in which the story is on in the newspaper so that customers would know which page to turn to if they did decided to read the story.

Small details on my newspaper front cover

I made sure I added the date of the newspaper onto my front cover so it is clear to customers. I made sure it was under the title of the newspaper so it was clear.

I added in the web address so that customers knew where they could go to find out more information on the newspaper and read more stories in the news.

I added the number of the newspaper company so customers can call the number to find out more information. I made sure I added that it was the Northampton area so that customers know the number is 01604. I added the number next to the date and web address so it is clear.

I added the price of the newspaper on the cover, underneath the title so that customers can see it straight away. I also made it bold so it is easily visible to the eye.

The photos on my front cover

I chose to do a photography competition in my newspaper so I took an artistic photo of a flower to show that it was a photography competition and people would be able to tell as soon as they see the newspaper.

I chose to have a story on the cover of my newspaper about the flooding that is happening recently because the news is about recent things happening and I thought this would be a big story.

For the story about the cat treats being poisoned, I took a photo of my own cats' treats and cropped it so it was close up in the treats so it was clear what they were for the front cover of the newspaper.

Inside pages of my newspaper

My newspaper front cover

Wednesday 25 April 2012

Price of my newspaper

I based the price of my newspaper around other newspapers that I have researched. 
I found out that most prices of weekly newspapers in the UK range from 35p to 70p:

Daily Telegraph70p
Daily Mail45p
Daily Express40p
Daily Mirror38p
Daily Star35p

So I came to the conclusion that I should price my newspaper at 50p because it is not too cheap and not too expensive.

Main story on the front cover of the newspaper

My main story will be about a woman who was found guilty of having cat biscuits containing rat poison pellets in her own home. The woman was found to be mentally unstable as she tried to kill her own pets.

My title and logo for my newspaper

After looking at existing titles and logos for other newspapers, I decided to change my idea by adding in a picture or animation to represent my newspaper.

I used the idea of the silhouette of a lion because lions represent Northampton. There are statues of lions all over the town centre so customers will know where the idea comes from.

Newspapers titles and logos

These are the titles and logos from other newspapers to give me ideas for mine:

Small details

I will also be using small details on the newspaper such as the date, the price, the website, etc. I will make sure they will be small but stand out by making them big and bold so customers still see them. They will be shown near the title of the newspaper so that when customers read the title they will also be drawn to the price and date of the newspaper to make sure they want to buy it. This will also draw attention to the website so people can go onto it and read more about the newspaper and the stories it publishes.

Colours and style of my newspaper

The colour scheme for my newspaper will be black, white and red because I feel that these colours are quite bold and easily visible. I have also used bold writing for the title and logo of the newspaper so that it stands out and is eye catching for potential customers. My front cover will have one main story in the middle and smaller stories around the outside; the main story will be the one that customers find more interesting so I will make it stand out. The stories on the inside pages will be set out in columns like any other magazine so it looks like a real magazine and I will use pictures and captions.

Colours and style of my website

The colours of my website will be the same as the magazine so it is clear that they are the same company. The title and logo of the newspaper will be clearly shown on the top of all pages of the website and it will be bold and clear for the human eye to see. I will show short stories on the website which are on the newspaper and will also have other main stories for the pages on the newspapers website which will be lifestyle and sports stories. 

My final logo and name idea

After a lot of consideration, I decided to call my newspaper 'Northants Paparazzi'. I then designed a logo for the name of the newspaper. 

Narrowed down ideas

I then narrowed my name ideas down to two ideas:
1. Northants Paparazzi
2. Northampton Times

Potential names

Because I am designing a new newspaper, I also have to create some potential names for the newspaper.

Whilst thinking through some names, I came up with; 
1. Talk Paparazzi 
2. Northants Paparazzi
3. The Observer
4. Report Northampton
5. Northampton Daily
6. Northampton Times

My idea

My newspaper will be based around the Northampton area which is similar to the Chronicle and Echo. It will have information about all of the news around the Northamptonshire area from lifestyle to sports news. 
I will make the front cover of my newspaper, and also two pages of the inside of the magazine which will have two short stories over the double page with smaller stories and pictures around the edge.
The front page to the website will be general news around Northamptonshire and the two pages linked on to it will be sports and lifestyle.
I will also make a billboard for the newspaper with a main story showing on it to show what the newspaper is about and where it is based. 

Existing websites

I also have to make a website for my newspaper with two hyper-linked pages on it so I will be using the structure of the Daily Mail and the Chronicle and Echo to help me to create my website.

This is the front page of the Chronicle and Echo:

And this is the front page of the Daily Mail:

Tuesday 24 April 2012

Poster for newspaper

I will also base the structure of existing posters on my poster for my newspaper:

This is the basic structure I will use for my poster as it outlines all of the points that should be visible to the eye so that potential buyers can see what they are looking at.

Inside pages of newspapers

I will also be basing my first two pages of my newspaper on existing papers so I know how to structure them properly.